The potential of Serbian hardware startups: investment, acceleration, going global.
Hardware Conference
26 May
Science and Technology Park Niš
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Who is this event for?
  • Who wants to learn to present a product in a way that is sure to get noticed and interest?

  • Who wants to find potential investors, mentors, partners and clients?

  • Who wants to grab the opportunity to consult with niche mentors?
Are you a hardware entrepreneur, engineer, startup
Are you a big tech business
  • Who wants to find future employees among a talented and creative audience?

  • Who wants to make useful new contacts and expand their professional network?

  • Who wants to share their expertise to speed up the development of the hardware market in Serbia?
Are you an investor
  • Who wants to discover interesting projects and get the chance to invest in them?
This event is for YOU!
This event is for YOU!
This event is for YOU!
our speakers
Pannel speakers:
Welcome word:
Key speakers:
Managing director of the Science and Technology Park Niš
CEO of SENIS Serbia
Partner, Сhief Operating Officer at Bridgio Tech Accelerator
Senior Field Application Engineer at Arrow Electronics
Design Ideas for Robotic Applications: Simplified Entry with Qualcomm Robotic Platform (AIKri board)
EBRD National Programme Manager and Regional Coordinator for Policy Dialogue and Stakeholder Relationship
Director Pre-Production Electronics at Brose Group
Technology Manager Pre-Production Electronics at Brose Group
The speaker to be clarified
Professor at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
General hardware partner
Hardware partners
Media partners
Why are we making this event?
We want to help talented hardware startups operating in the Serbian market develop, scale and enter the global market.
We want to spread the word about the Serbian hardware market potential among the international community.
Preliminary agenda
Registration of attendees,
Key speakers and panel discussion
Coffee break
Pitching of hardware startups
Coffee break
Final remarks, feedback from the VC's
Do you want to present your project at the Startup Pitching?
At the beginning of May we will hold an online webinar "How to pack your hardware product idea into a pitch deck". After which we will select 10 startups for pitching and hold a closed PreDEMO session for them, so that they get feedback from the professionals and can improve their presentation before the main event. Selected startups will be able to present their projects to mentors from the main stage of the event.
Mark it on the
Who are making Hardware Conference & Demo?
An organization which, working closely with the University and the academic community, provides the infrastructure and services to assist innovative companies in realizing business success on the market, especially in the area of high technologies.

NTP has its own start-up center, which provides support to teams in the early stages of development (idea, proof of concept), whose work is based on student projects.
Science and Technology Park Niš
This is a venture studio striving to build a "tech bridge" from Europe to global markets, helping startups find their product-market fit.

The Accelarator supports technology projects for smart and ecological environments:

  • Devices with artificial intelligence, computer vision and IoT.

  • Green energy solutions.

  • Smart office, urban mobility, Industry 4.0

Bridgio Accelarator
take a look at our past event
Science and Technology Park Niš
Aleksandra Medvedeva 2a, Niš, Crveni Krst, Srbija